Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to throw the best Slumber Party

How to throw the best Slumber Party

How to throw the best Slumber Party by once-upon-a-tip featuring a nail polish

 Step (1): Invite all your best friends (with your parents permission). Make sure they're not stuck-up populars who will just be a complete damper. Just friends!

Step (2): Send out the invites a week or two before the date, and make sure they're super cute! Include: the date, times, place, other girls invited (optional) and other important details, such as swim suits if you plan on going swimming.

Step (3): Make sure to have lots of snacks, activities, and such. Some good snacks are: popcorn, cookies, ice cream, chips, pizza, gummy bears, chocolate, chicken wings, and brownies.

Step (4): Invite in your guests in and show them around while waiting for the others to arrive. Once they all do, start activities. Such as, Truth or Dare, makeovers, nails, movies, Pick a Question, Would You Rather, dance a little, and prank calls!

Step (5): Try to get some sleep, or respect the people who do need some sleep by allowing them to. Play the louder games earlier in the night, and do the quieter activities when people are sleeping.

Step (6): Just remember to have fun, and if any drama starts, try to solve it, or if worst comes to worse, ask them to go home.

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