Monday, November 26, 2012

Introducing The "Why Not" Project♥

Introducing The "Why Not" Project♥

Introducing The "Why Not" Project♥ by the-tip-girly featuring hair clip accessories

 Sooo, I came up with this idea, inspired by this post I saw on Tumblr. I don't remember who said it, or exactly what it said, but it was something like this:
"Why does liking someone have to be this big secret? Why don't we wear shirts with the names of our crushes on them? Why don't we just go up to a guy and say 'HELLO SIR YOU ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE'? Why don't we just throw pianos at the people who irritate us? WHY?!"
Well, first when I read that I started laughing. It's so true! People these days are so insecure about themselves that they won't share their opinions, do what they really want & say what they really want! Now from now on, I want you to say what you think. Now, that doesn't mean you should say mean things to people, it means that you should be yourself regardless of what anyone else will think or say. If you've ever felt insecure enough to try to be someone you're not, pretend to like things that you don't, held in your feelings because you were scared someone would judge you, that stops now. You deserve to be independent, have your own thoughts & feelings!
Oscar Wilde once said, "Be yourself, everyone else is taken!" I really believe everyone should live by that. Support this message by liking this set and commenting the pledge:
"I, _____, will not change who I am for others. I will be myself, think my own thoughts, and have my own feelings. I will respect other people's thoughts and feelings, just like I would want people to do for me."
Thank you everyone! I hope this helped you♥

by Izzy @ideasbyizzy

Copy this and put it in the comments:)
"I, _____, will not change who I am for others. I will be myself, think my own thoughts, and have my own feelings. I will respect other people's thoughts and feelings, just like I would want people to do for me."

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